Thanks for the comments! We are doing ok. David had a great birthday. The Sunday before his birthday he was at church playing with a skateboard and fell on it and got scraped up a bit. Just in time for his pictures. I suppose I could have waited to take his 2 year old pictures until he healed up but he was so cute I just had to take him and get them done while he still had the scrapes:) I will be sending his pictures to all of you soon. Here are some that I took before his big day. Ok so the pictures went to the top. I don't know how to get them down here where I want them. Sorry.
Hey Crystal I would say his pictures have character! Brett showed me the one you gave him. He was proud to have his first :-) Happy 2nd to David!!! g-aunt Nancy
Such a happy boy for such an owie looking face!!! Happy Birthday, David. Oh, by the way, I use the "compose" feature instead of "html" and then I can center my pics and the captions. Hope that helps!
I didn't see his scrapes at their worst. Glad it didn't dampen the birthday celebration.
Love, Mom
Love the scrapes, hope they are healing up good. We are hoping to get out your way sometime this spring or summer. We'll keep you updated and in our prayers,
Michael, Erin and Yuri
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