Thursday, September 2, 2010
oh my oh my how the time flies
I must say I am feeling a little better about not blogging in a while considering most of the peoples i look at haven't either :) We are all doing well. Jacob is back in school a big ol 8th grader. I asked if he was excited about it being his last year at Brentwood and he said "no what is there to be excited about" I should have known, he never has been a very excitable boy. Now David on the other had will get excited about almost anything! Just the other day he was way excited about getting a cracker :) go figure? He is still at his preschool for 2 mornings a week. Ella is doing much better now that she turned 2 thank the Lord! We just moved her into a big girl bed and painted her room all girly. It looks so sweet! She is doing really well sleeping in her bed at bedtime and nap time. No luck on the potty training though, I thought girls were suppose to be some much easier and quicker at this than boys? Oh well. Both Eddie's and my works are going well ho hum ho hum pretty boring there, thank goodness for the kids:) chow for now
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Lopez up-date
Just thought I could let ya all know what's happening in our neck of the woods:) Jacob is wrestling for his school. He started out in the 120's and did pretty good, but he was always jv so his coach asked him if he wanted to gain 10 pounds he could wrestle 130, he was very excited and tried to gain weight for about a week, eating everything he could, but only gained about 1 pound, poor guy, if only I could give him some of mine :) Last week though the coach put him in 130 varsity and he won. The match went into overtime and was very exciting! He seems to really like it and Eddie and him wrestle almost every night. I think Eddie enjoys it as much as Jacob.
David is turning 4 tomorrow! He is getting so big! He says that when he grows up he wants to be a squirrel. I have no idea where that came from. He also says that Eddie will be one also and be his daddy. I don't know if i get to be one also or if it is an all exclusive club:) Preschool is going well and he likes going and learning new things, He can read all his classmates names on the board and some small words.
Ella is busy, busy, busy! She is talking a lot. Some words we understand but a lot is still baby talk and very cute. She has a lot to say and sometimes gets frustrated with us when we can't understand her. She said her first sentence the other day. It was "Don't touch me!" She was trying to shut a door and a little girl was trying to hold her arm and open the door. She does have a mind of her own and is a little stubborn:)
Eddie's job is still a little slow. He is trying to stay busy, and shovels snow for one of my customers when needed. We are hoping that this summer is busy.
My work is a little slow also, but I keep busy with it and kids. I try to find time to quilt with my friend Jennifer. The kids are getting over colds that seemed to last a month so I am thankful for that. We are all doing well and are thankful for many things. Hope you are all doing well. I will try and post pics soon.
David is turning 4 tomorrow! He is getting so big! He says that when he grows up he wants to be a squirrel. I have no idea where that came from. He also says that Eddie will be one also and be his daddy. I don't know if i get to be one also or if it is an all exclusive club:) Preschool is going well and he likes going and learning new things, He can read all his classmates names on the board and some small words.
Ella is busy, busy, busy! She is talking a lot. Some words we understand but a lot is still baby talk and very cute. She has a lot to say and sometimes gets frustrated with us when we can't understand her. She said her first sentence the other day. It was "Don't touch me!" She was trying to shut a door and a little girl was trying to hold her arm and open the door. She does have a mind of her own and is a little stubborn:)
Eddie's job is still a little slow. He is trying to stay busy, and shovels snow for one of my customers when needed. We are hoping that this summer is busy.
My work is a little slow also, but I keep busy with it and kids. I try to find time to quilt with my friend Jennifer. The kids are getting over colds that seemed to last a month so I am thankful for that. We are all doing well and are thankful for many things. Hope you are all doing well. I will try and post pics soon.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all.
We had a very nice Christmas. Christmas Eve we went to my parents house. Everything was great except Coy had an allergic reation to something and had to go to the ER. He is fine thank goodness! We waited for Brian, Jody, and Coy to get back and then opened presents. It really was a very nice Christmas.
Christmas day we spent the morning at our house and then about 1:00 we went over to Eddies dads, and had a great time as well. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

We had a very nice Christmas. Christmas Eve we went to my parents house. Everything was great except Coy had an allergic reation to something and had to go to the ER. He is fine thank goodness! We waited for Brian, Jody, and Coy to get back and then opened presents. It really was a very nice Christmas.
Christmas day we spent the morning at our house and then about 1:00 we went over to Eddies dads, and had a great time as well. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Friday, August 7, 2009
what's up
David is potty trained! Happy Happy I am! He can now go to preschool at Starline. We are so excited. He starts on the 13, the same day Jacob will start 7th grade. Ella is really doing good with her walking. She can get pretty much anywhere she wants to. Eddie's job is finally getting busy Praise the Lord! My work has been steady and I am keeping very busy with kids and job. Jacob is going to play fall soccer, he has not played for a really long time, It will be fun, he has a friend who will be on the same team with him. Uncle Marc let him borrow some shoes, I can't believe my 13 yearold son has feet as big as his uncle!
Eddie and I are celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary this weekend. Today is our anniversary. Jacob is with his cousin Ira. They are going to Natarita,(somewhere in the mountains) for a youth revival. Ella and David will be spending the day and night with Grandma. We are going to go to Estes Park and just hang out. hopefully do some hiking and maybe a horse back ride, we shall see. It will be nice to get away, even if only for 1 night and day.
Oh we also got a new kitten Ye-Ha. After this weekend i will get some pictures posted.
Eddie and I are celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary this weekend. Today is our anniversary. Jacob is with his cousin Ira. They are going to Natarita,(somewhere in the mountains) for a youth revival. Ella and David will be spending the day and night with Grandma. We are going to go to Estes Park and just hang out. hopefully do some hiking and maybe a horse back ride, we shall see. It will be nice to get away, even if only for 1 night and day.
Oh we also got a new kitten Ye-Ha. After this weekend i will get some pictures posted.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
weekend at the Renaissance festival
We went to the Renaissance festival this weekend with Jessica and Travis. We had Ella stay at Joe and Eva's . It was a really fun day. Eddie and Jacob jumped on these trampolines with big stretchy bands hooked to them so they could jump really high. Nobody took a picture of me throwing hatchets. I actually got one to stick! It was cool. David, Jacob, and Travis rode the elephant. $4.oo for 30 sec of fun what a deal!!! It started to rain about 2:00. We decided we had had enough fun and headed home. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ella's party
Uncle Joe

Uncle Travis. Ella loves to rip up paper. She is so serious:)

Aunt Jody and Cousin Coy
Grandma gave Ella a toy kitten, she loved it.

Alex had fun on the trycicle untel he fell of the edge of the deck :( he was ok

Uncle Travis. Ella loves to rip up paper. She is so serious:)

Aunt Jody and Cousin Coy

Alex had fun on the trycicle untel he fell of the edge of the deck :( he was ok

Ella's Party was very nice we had many people show up to celebrate. The day turned out to be a really pretty day, so people were able to go out side and it was not so crowded inside. Ella loved all the attention and was smiling most of the time. Lots of people held her and we let her crawl around. Her cradle care family got to come. It was good to see them. They were excited to get to see Ella. The last time they saw her was when she was 12 days old. She let them hold her and was very cute. They gave us a plaque that says-Family The Greatest Gift I Ever Received. That is so true for us. We are so happy and feel very blessed to have a wonderful family and great friend who love us and support and encourage us. Thanks to everyone.
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