David is potty trained! Happy Happy I am! He can now go to preschool at Starline. We are so excited. He starts on the 13, the same day Jacob will start 7th grade. Ella is really doing good with her walking. She can get pretty much anywhere she wants to. Eddie's job is finally getting busy Praise the Lord! My work has been steady and I am keeping very busy with kids and job. Jacob is going to play fall soccer, he has not played for a really long time, It will be fun, he has a friend who will be on the same team with him. Uncle Marc let him borrow some shoes, I can't believe my 13 yearold son has feet as big as his uncle!
Eddie and I are celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary this weekend. Today is our anniversary. Jacob is with his cousin Ira. They are going to Natarita,(somewhere in the mountains) for a youth revival. Ella and David will be spending the day and night with Grandma. We are going to go to Estes Park and just hang out. hopefully do some hiking and maybe a horse back ride, we shall see. It will be nice to get away, even if only for 1 night and day.
Oh we also got a new kitten Ye-Ha. After this weekend i will get some pictures posted.