Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hi ya all! Sorry no pictures for awhile. Our camera broke and we are using my mom's but I cant' get the pictures on my computer. But I guess I can still write. We are all ok. David has a cold possible turning into croup (I think that is how it is spelled) a really bad cough. Ella is getting it I think. She was coughing today and is sleeping alot and has a runny/stuffy nose. Yea fun times! We had a really fun Halloween. Eddie's sisters came over and the kids, also Brian,Jody,Logan and Coy came. We did some trick or treating and then ate chili and pizza,yum. The weather was great. We also toasted marsmellow out side. Later that night we watched STRANGERS. It was a little scary. The part about it being based on a true story is the scary part. Then we went to bed. I know, we live such an exciting life:) Well I have to go Eddie just called and we are heading to the store. I will catch you up more later.

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