We had Ella's adoption day in court on Nov. 6th. It is her initial hearing not her finalizing. She has to be with us for 6 months before we can finalize, but we can do her initial and then we don't have to go back down to Denver to finalize. We wanted to go this day because our adoption agency has the day especially marked out for their families to go to court. There were about 27 families there. Some were finalizing their adoptions and others were doing their initial hearing like us. We had a potluck lunch at 12:00 and then the families were called up to go to their court hearing. It was a good day. :) Ella was so good in the court room. She started cooing while the judge talked and asked us questions. David crawled under the table we were sitting at, the judge thought he was so cute and for our picture with her she asked him if she could hold him, he just put up his arms and let her pick him up as if he had known her all the time. So now on January 16 the court will open up our file and sign off on it and send us our papers and Ella will be " official". http://www.denverpost.com/search/ci_10924265 this is a article in the Denver Post on the day.