2008 A new year begins! We had a very nice Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day, Eddies family came over to our house and spent the day. Very busy that day but very fun. Lots of kids and running around:) David liked his cousins shopping cart the best and we had to run interference between Emry who is 4 and David. Sharing is not in their vocabulary:) Christmas Day just seems to go by to fast and now January is almost over! Jacob got a motorcycle for Christmas and finally got to ride it last weekend YEA! David is happy with just about anything, especially if it makes noise or you can make noise with it, like banging it on something:) Well I have run out of things to say without boring you to much. Have a good day:) P.S. yes Jacob is in the kitchen on his dirt bike. It was to cold outside. No, I did not let him ride it around the living room!